Friday, June 29, 2007

maritess and my superprends

maritess is what my lolo joaquin calls my ate atet. she's actually my second eldest aunt in my dad'd side of the family. i find it only fitting to write about her. she is the brains in the family. when i was younger i remembered she used to suffer from frequent migraines. my aunts and uncles would tease her and attribute her migraines to too much studying. indeed, all the studying paid off because she has been a consistent honor srudent from elementary to grad school.

my ate atet is very mild mannered. i have not heard her swear at anyone in anger. she is very kind and oh so very selfless. she is also a very spiritual woman. she used to teach me and my classmates cathechism. she is hardworking, just and compassionate.

when i was having troubles with my mom and dad, she took me in. i lived with her for a year. i learned a lot of household chores and life lessons from her. after college, she migrated to canada with my ate iya.

i migrated to jersey almost seven years ago, and with the new cards dealt upon me, i find myself in the exact same spot 13 years ago; i am lost and i've nowhere to go.

ate atet did not think twice in opening the doors of her home for me. she selflessly offered to take me in, the second time around. and so, in a month or two, i will call her home mine as well. i told her of my fears about starting over, i told her of my weakness. she consoled me with soothing words and the comfort of prayers.

my auntie maritess, you have saved me again. salamat. salamat. salamat. kailan ko kaya masusuklian ang iyong kabutihan?


in the past two months i have witnessed the comings and goings of dear friends. some i lost long ago. one bowed out. one took off. but the sun shines again and its light made me appreciate the numerous hands that have been with me through it all.

i reconnected with a dear old friend. it seemed we were never apart. from our first bottle of the bar which gave us hideous hives, to our first drag of blue seal cigarettes, giddy stories of our first kiss, first dates, to divorce and moving on.
we sat in her backyard savoring the unspoken creed of sisterhood which has been strengthened by laughter, tears, lost love and love found. we both knew neither one of us really left the other. olga, you and i are indeed sisters. i am honored to be yours whenever, wherever this road takes us.

candy has been a welcome gift to me. those two years she spent in jersey were such good times. i felt reconnected to my old self. i enjoyed having her and n over for dinner and tv watching. she moved back to cali a month before this thing fell apart, but in spirit, she is always with me. she never had a bad thing to say during times when i was upset or crying hysterically. i always enjoy talking with her and catching up on things : her apartment, her new job, the potter saga, music, movies, feelings and other things that make friendship such important part of my life.

karen g has been my unofficial mother since i took my first step inside the school i have called my home for the past three years. it is indeed funny how i found myself stomping off to her room two doors away from mine. her fiery italian heart proved to be the strongest shield that i held on to during the times when i questioned my capabilities and skills as an educator. and yet, our friendship extended beyond work. her tissue box was there at my disposal. she cried with me and spelled things out clearly. from her i gathered my strength and composure before heading back to class as if everything was peachy.

she refuses to say goodbye to me. and i know this move to canada will not be goodbye for us. i'll see her again, and she is in my heart forever. i only wish i can be as loving, generous and fierce as she as i get older.

charly, you said that our friendship was written in the stars. born to the day half-a year apart, we somehow found our way to each other. never in my wildest dreams did i even think that i would find you in wee little leonia. i almost gave up on the idea of making friends here in my adopted country, but our paths crossed and we have been inseparable since. i treasure every minute i spend with you, jonah and matt. i always felt welcome and involved in your home. it really saddens me that i won't be there when jonah takes his first steps or say his first words, but you know i am just an email away. and who knows? maybe after some time, when my wounds have healed, i will find my back back to jersey and resume my life. there is always hope.

richard - i can not help but think that God sent you to me that day in NYC. we hardly spoke about anything of substance that day, just the usual polite small talk. you have opened my heart to joys of loving and expressing myself. you make me laugh. you always make me smile. i feel like the fox in san exupery's novel, for i have found a true friend in you. ours is a friendship that need not physical contact. i do not know when i will see you again, but our hearts are forever linked. i know why charly is your friend. thanks for our late night talks, dale chihully and laurie notaro. thank you for reloading the power of i love you in my mind. you truly are our very own care bear.

bd - i can count the number of times we actually spoke to each other face to face, yet i feel that even though we mostly communicated over chat, your sincerity and your no bullshit insights are as good as telling it straight to my face. you were one of the first people i spoke to when this thing fell apart. you make me feel that everything will be okay and in a way i believe you because you have been through this road before. i wish you well in your endeavors, and someday you, your beloved and i can enjoy a pleasant meal or drinks and talk about happy times and your next project.

thank you maritess and my superfriends.

i'll bring in the next bunch of superfriends in another post.