Wednesday, June 17, 2009

MAC Class Wimba Week 3

Post 1

I've forgotten how I first felt about Wimba. Man, it's been 9 mos. We are almost there.
When i tell people about my online courses at FSO, most of them are amazed and awed at how "hi-tech" my classes must be. Last month, Dr. Siegel used the video/webcam feature of Wimba so we can actually see each other as we talk and ask questions, and discuss the week's topics. I had so much fun seeing my classmates on video. This month we continued having the web cam feature on and with my current professor, classes been going well.

I bet that when I get the chance to tell my graduate story experience to my former colleagues and students, their jaws would drop. really. Man, I used to imagine classes like this when I was a kid. Seriously. Well, at first I used to imagine that we can talk on the phone and see each other, and then I used to play pretend where my "teacher" would be somewhere in another country and we would "watch" her teach us from our own classroom in the Philippines. Well, it's really here and i totally blows mind when , now at 2009, this online class is a reality.

Did I mention that though we are hi-tech now, some things never change?
We would pass notes to each other during class. :)


Matt Wasowski said...

I work at Wimba and LOVED this's so fun to read about how people view 'the future' of learning. I'm glad you're so enthusiastic! I'm not sure how just yet, but there's a chance I'd like to post your posting on our website. If you wouldn't mind, can you let me know what school you're with?

Thanks so much and keep up the enthusiasm!

Matt Wasowski

jbb said...

Teaching is a human endeavor and one cannot underestimate the power of seeing the smiling face of the person on the other end of the "line."