Friday, August 31, 2007


background : ticking of the clock

it's still dark outside and it seems everyone, even the sun is still sleeping. i woke up two hours ago, a bit shaken.

someone tried to break into my apartment last night. i had to call the police, but it didn't help much. my only defense strategy is the trio of locks on my door, a chair, my talking yoda, and my LOTR action figures. that kept whoever his face at bay. go hobbits!

i am excited and anxious about my drive in an hour or so. i feel tired. i bought a can of red bull from the store last night, but with my incessant peeing, i don't think two gulps would even be a good idea. maybe not.

i am 70% done with packing. how many pairs of undies does one need?
how many pairs of shoes?
jeans. t-shirts. check.
pasalubong (gifts) check
cds check
bags check
guitar? maybe. i've nothing better to do today when i get to MD.
books, graphic novel, check
gps navigator, mp3 player, camera, phone and all wires, check.

leave behind : most of my worries

let's go bruce.

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