Thursday, November 11, 2010

everyday renewal

It's Veteran's Day. And again, for me, no school. My kids may not know that I am more excited than they when it comes to days off school.

My enemy has came back to haunt me the past couple of months, but with Jesus' help, I shall beat it down, one day at a time.

I am beginning to feel comfortable with my morning drives. I still stay away from car transporters and fuel tanks. Those big bad boys still make me shudder.

On the subject of early morning commute, I am beginning to dislike car owners whose headlights can light up a whole stadium. It's kinda blinding wee little travelers like me, 'yo!

Monday, October 11, 2010


It's been awhile indeed. I am celebrating Columbus Day in the warm comfort of our home, in my robe, waiting to dry my hair.

I love my new school.
I am getting better at driving on the turnpike.
I love my husband.
I love my students, tutees and colleagues.
I love my friends.
I miss my family.
I love my God, I AM.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

little boxes

i just found out that my downstairs neighbor passed. i never even wrote about her. she and the other small lady downstairs used to sit in the coop during the warm weather. she reminded me of my maternal great grand aunt who was a staunchy little lady who smoked like a kapre.

i hope she received Christ as her Lord and Saviour before her last breath.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

newly weds

hubby and i have been adjusting to living together very well. the other day, as i was playing with my rings while waiting for the light to turn green, i noticed that i have a tan line on my ring finger. i smiled and thanked my Boss. it feels great to be married to an awesome man.

Friday, January 1, 2010

day 1

it's 10:10 pm on the first day of 2010. happy new year. this friday i am sitting on my couch, watching law and order SVU and trying to digest the other half of my yummy late lunch shared with friends.

i would say it would almost be perfect if hubby is sitting next to me giving me a foot massage as i blog away, or maybe just quietly watching from the other side of the couch, but oh well. as rookies in the marriage game, we both have a lot to learn. and tomorrow, we get to spend our first weekend of the new year.

blogging-wise, my 2009 was not as productive. this is not for lack of subjects and events to blog about. au contraire. 2009 was brimming with good stuff, and exciting events.

the most exciting and fulfilling of which was finding a church was set the stage for spiritual growth, meeting friends who feel like family, and the place where i exchanged vows with my love.

before my fingers go on strike from the mush of that last sentence, i'm going to log off and give my full attention to my tv.

see you tomorrow.