Sunday, October 5, 2008

bananas in pajamas at ba pa

diane and i called each other B1 and B2 after those pajama-ed bananas on TV (why oh why we started dressing up fruits and veggies, i do not know).  college sisses, we shared a passion for literature, great friends and putah-red lipstick.

diane is on va-cay with me for the next few days.  off we go to AC today to paint the town our very own potah red.

incidentally, i went to watch football last friday.  our school marching band is bangin' y'all!
due to some unexplained and frustrating goings on with my wireless network, Z set up MAC nd Boo side by side so I can be connected to the net.  I have a sweet corner office by my bedroom and now i d not even want to leave my bedroom.  this may be good so at least i can leave t dining area and living room less cluttered.

oh we can always dream...

1 comment:

pinkfish said...

Pasalubong ko ha! I will try to call you guys.