Wednesday, July 16, 2008

jane should kick my ass already

because the past week i've been caught in a rut. i have not been to curves at all, and i only started walking again yesterday.
and i've been waking up late -- 5:30-6:00 in the mornings.

and i've been drinking too much coconut and vanilla flavored iced coffee (no sugar, just milk) from dunkin donuts
and i've been eating their turkey, bacon and cheddar flatbread sandwich for breakfast for the past two work weeks.

and i've been watching too much jon and kate plus 8 on TLC.

and i just got engrossed in a new chick lit book. meg cabot is hilarious.

and i've been eating mangoes 3x a day.

and i love girltalk's new album.

but don't worry, jane packed us a bag of our workout clothes plus MP3 player so i can run and walk up and down

the hills here in camp later in the afternoon.

the hill here in camp is a great workout. not to mention the many steps in camp. stairmaster my eye.

now if only i can get over my fear of meeting lost wild animals in the area.. i should be good.

and if i can get my ass up early in morning to jog in the boardwalk this weekend, i should be good.

and if i can get to drink my soy milk 2x a day and drink carrot juice and my green icky juice instead of anything from dunkin donuts i'll be good.

crap, i gave up smoking and now i'm an iced coffee addict.

i'll get back to you tomorrow morning and see how it goes.

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