Thursday, July 10, 2008

movie date weekend

i have a huge crush on will smith, so when hancock opened last week i made to see it. i spent the 4th of july weekend with Z and i persuaded him to see hancock with me. Z likes documentaries, old western movies and mostly true to life stories so superhero flicks aren't exactly his choice. because i didn't make him see iron man and the hulk, (two movies i have not seen yet) he went with me.

and he slept through most of the movie. poor guy was exhausted from work.

but i was all bug-eyed watching hancock.


the next day was Z's movie day. we went to whales and dolphins on IMAX 3D.

now i am SO not a marine animal fan.

but, you know, returning the favor, i went with him.

and put on the dorky 3D glasses which would not stay put on my face because i have a non-nose.

i was terrified of the 3D effects, especially when the orcas supposedly came near us.

fortunately, a 3 year old boy' s cries muffled my own little scare-dy cat scream....

we are so watching the dark knight on IMAX.

i wonder which animal kingdom i'll watch on the screen in exchange for this superhero movie date?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love your last sentence. made my day!