Tuesday, February 5, 2008


it's that time again when i am feeling okay, even happy and then i wake up all of a sudden crying my eyes out. luckily, my mom is there to put me back in line and tell me it's just PMS. i guess i shouldn't beat myself up so much. after all, it can get pretty tiring to smile, giggle and laugh all the time.

i've been teaching my kids for a month now. it is tough and more exhausting than regular ed class. if i'm PMS-ing now, imagine my kids going through their own kind of PMS in their own individual cycles. it's all good, i tell myself. i can always choose to give up or fight. you know which route i'd take.

i'm up for my routine observation on thursday. for some reason i'm still waiting for the adrenaline to kick in, noo-ni-noo-ni-noo.

i'm waiting for jane and durga and bitchslap me back into OC shape. i've been taking things too lightly the past few months. sometimes i do miss the OC jop, she'll come around sooner or later, hopefully in the next 24 hours.

in other news, my high school barkada here in the US and in one in england are planning an april beach bum getaway. all i have to do is pay and book my flight to florida where the girls and i will board a cruise ship to take us to the bahamas. i'm very excited at this trip. it has been a long time since we had an all girls holiday. we are all in agreement to get in shape for this trip. 10 lbs by the end of april? i hope so.

in prep for this, i went back to curves. i would've preferred to go to a higher impact fitness routine, but my afternoon sched can be crazy and unpredictable, so curves seemed to be the best option for me, until it gets warmer and i can go jogging and walking again. it's only been workout session # 5 so far, but i'm liking the fact that i start my day with a pretty good workout. if only they can do something about the music. i'm close to shooting myself in the head if i have to workout one more time to "i will survive" and the soundtrack and from "grease".

i had an encounter with what i suspected were two czech guys in school today. i just confirmed their identity with c. these two were un installing the steel sliding doors near the gym. i was intrigued by the language that they spoke because they sounded so much like c and bd. i was going towards their direction and when i passed by them i heard one of them said something and they both laughed. i recognized a similar word that c taught me in czech. and true enough when i spoke to him, he confirmed that the two were indeed his kababayan.

and what is the magic czech word? c told me perdlka means butt, but in a subtle not so bastos/direct way. perdl is more direct.


pwet nila.

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