Saturday, March 22, 2008

a new shopping experience

it seems encoded in a woman's DNA is the natural predisposition to groom oneself. most women have a unique personal style, a look if you will. therefore when they select pieces of clothing and accessories, more often than not, they all blend in to conform to this "look." i know i am one of those women. i tend to gravitate towards shapes and color that i already have in my closet. i can say the same about my shoes. my coworkers and moonshine already use the term joffin shoes when they see a pair that they think i wold most probably wear.

but what happens your body changes?

i tried on certain cuts and lengths that i would normally would not even try on when i was heavier. color wise i have also tried some hues that i would not usually buy.

fast forward to 2008, in day 2 of my holyweek holiday with Z, we went out "window" shopping.
first we hit the outlet malls, i got a great deal on white pants an a white sweater from j crew. then we went to his local ross and found lots of clothes to try on. i was surprised by Z's choices of clothes for me. he chose a few green pieces. even his shoe choices surprised me. normally i would not welcome such suggestions from people, but since he asked me so nicely i can put it n and just try... i did.

and you know what virginia? he has a good eye when it comes to color combinations. i definitely enjoyed shopping with him. he also bought a few shirts for warmer weather. we are both looking forward to wearing our loot in future dates.

* there's also this superb malaysian restaurant 3 blocks away from z's apartment. yum. i had mee goreng for lunch.

too bad i's back to regular programming tomorrow.

hapy easter everyone!

1 comment:

Panaderos said...

Happy Easter, Jane!!