Tuesday, October 16, 2007

just another day

i was assigned to the alternative middle school today to supervise three kids who have been suspended for unacceptable behavior. today is day one of my assignment.

i hung out at the middle school for a good hour to wait for the secretary to collect work from the teachers. my job is to make sure that the three kids do their assigned work. i readily accepted this assignment because i thought it was gonna be easy.

not so.

try hanging out with self-confessed kids with anger management issues. two of them told me they are on medication for ADD. let me just say that this assignment will be far from dull. these kids will make me work for my money.

x and y duked it out in the hallway over some stupid comment about yo' momma this and that. a teacher tried to break up the fight and he ended up getting hurt. x and y acted like bestfriends today. haay, boys will be boys.

z on the other hand is suspended for two days for slamming a girl's head against the locker after girl made a nasty comment about, you said it, z's momma.

not a lot of work was done because most of the day was spent trying to prevent the three from killing each other. z is one angry girl. she has a foul mouth, but i can tell she is hurting inside that is why she is acting up. x is a sweet kid who's just plain hyper and makulit. super kulit. y was a former student who just can not focus, antsy pantsy.

tomorrow, i'll bring in extra work and i'll give them a lesson on parts of speech. i hate not really teaching in my subbing job. maybe the three can learn something befire their suspension is over.

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