Wednesday, August 29, 2007

geekette file # 2

background music : cornflake girl by tori amos

i should be folding laundry, but that's one of my least favorite chores. why fold laundry when i can play? play it is.

i pretty much spent most of this morning, bugging plaps on ym and posing my LOTR fellowship by boo. i forgot that there are 9 in the fellowship and the earlier pictorial this morning only showed eight. i forgot boromir, the greedy gondorian prince who dies in the first movie.

most of these action figures i got at target or kb toys. legolas, i got off ebay. gandalf, gimli and legolas are from the two towers edition. the rest of them, especially the three hobbits, are from the first movie edition.

i have several more from the movie, but that will be for the next post. meanwhile, patrick bateman beckons from his adventures in the tunnel. geekette has to sign out now and return to being a "normal" adult.

and you know what?! i forgot about sam!!! argh!
forget it, it took me a while to pose these buggers on my pc, i'm not doing it again!

okay, maybe tomorrow, noo-ni-noo-ni-noo.

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