Thursday, August 30, 2007

an unabashed love letter

background music : blister in the sun by the violent femmes

dear bruce,

tomorrow, you and i are heading off to our first ever long drive, just you and me. i'll treat you to a squeaky clean car wash, with the works, special armor-all for you this time. i figured, that's the least i can do before i can treat you to your annual detailing.

i know i don't say this enough, but you are the best car a girl can have. so, i hope that tomorrow, you and i can have a smooth trip down to lubsi's house. are you excited? i'm nervous. i hope you don't mind my blabbermouth of a gps system amy. i don't know if you like her better than lori, but they're both pretty annoying to me.

you are four years old already. with 37K on your odometer, i'd say you're as handsome as the first day i saw you at the parking lot in the mazda dealership in 9W. did you know i already had you in mind even before we went there to purchase you? i've always wanted a hatchback . of all the other makes and models of 2003, it was a toss up between you and a 2 door civic or a vw golf. but you won my heart, and i can't complain.

there had only been a few cars that i mattered to me, all but one of them i got to drive. the first one is julie,

a 1985 bright yellow box type lancer once owned by former housemate. she was hot, and very dependable. my college days were usually spent being whisked away to and from school in her. i think she is somewhere in bicol, rusting away and pining for her former driver.

the next car that mattered to me is instrumental in me picking you. i don't even know if this car has a name, but this 1994 daihatsu charade was well loved by all jammers and the mamajammas in particular. i know i did. we spent many nights crammed inside this car, shuttling from los banos to our weekly gigs in quezon city, late night jamming sessions, or spur of the moment late night trips for the band bonding sessions. i miss this car as much as i miss briggs, ton-ton, islaw and neil.
i know neil loved this car as much as i love you, bruce. it's really like that.

too bad we didn't have any pics with this car. digicams were not in fashion then, and we mostly pesoless college kids with barely enough money to cover the rehearsal studio fees.

the next car, technically the first car i've driven was a used 1998 nissan altmima gxe, which i arrogantly named shiva, because hey, i'm durga. well that was a big mistake. never name a car after a hindu divinity, particularly if it's the hindu god of war and destruction. it just doesn't work. i was ignorant of anything related to car buying and mostly the reason why i agreed to this purchase was that shiva's color is the exact shade of puta red lipstick i used to wear in college. in fairness, it was a great car. smooth ride. sleek. pretty powerful. but it quit on me, and when the transmission failed, i knew it was time to let him go.

and so, it brings me to you.

you and i, we really belong together. i considered getting a yellow protege, but it just didn't feel right. i've always wanted a blue car, and your midnight blue is just perfect. i named you after bruce lee, a dragon for a dragon. i know many of my students admire you. they always say when they find out that you're mine that they've always imagined me driving a sporty car like you. and yeah, about that. i know i don't drive you fast the way you're meant to be driven, but i hope that's okay. we'll eat some asphalt tomorrow.

cheers bruce! let's hope the road takes us to merry maryland and back.


joffin/durga/jane (the dork who names her car and electronics)

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