Sunday, June 28, 2009

scratch that...

i'm one of those kids who get very excited about new things. a new kin d of shampoo, new seasoning mix, a new candy flavor, new book.

a new program to create games.... hmmmm.

and so last year in my mythology class, i thought of using scratch. We didn't really get too far with it. I was a bat frustrated because I felt like an idiot most of the time. But then again, I wasn't a student of EDMT yet so it was not natural (yet) for me to get my fingers dancing on the keys to type and search for video tutorials.

I saw the video tutorials about scratch. it was simple enough, but I think someone, if not me, can make an easier and a simpler and ,ore effective video tutorial. My teacher in our Digital Media and Education Applications class have ingrained a standard in me about length and coverage of video tutorial. "keep it short and simple; break it down."

i'm gonna try scratch with my mythology class again. Maybe we'll get farther this year. :)

1 comment:

jbb said...

It should be exciting to learn new things. Love your enthusiasm and fearlessness. :-D