Thursday, September 20, 2007

wrapping up

background music : dyslexic heart by paul westerberg

tomorrow's my last day in school. i feel a bit sucky about it. i took a few pictures of my colleagues on monday. bittersweet to smile at the camera. but i would want to remember them with pictures.

funny and sad how two and half weeks seem such a short time to bond with my kids, but bond with them i did. my 3rd period class wants to throw a party for me. my 6tn and 7th classes are hatching malevolent plots just to keep me in school. i took a few pics with my students. my 8th period class is very upset that i'm leaving. most of them thought i'd be moving back to my old classroom in the 6th grade hall, that somehow, i'll still be in the building. i now feel the gravity of my impulsiveness. the truth came out.

no, i'm not coming back, not this year anyway. i thought i was going to move, but i changed my mind, noo-ni-noo-ni-noo.

oh well, jop. lesson learned. there is a reason why the head is higher than the heart.

tomorrow, i'll exit the halls of the school as fast as i can. me and bruce will travel back the road to MD. i need a good dose of entertainment and good company to sustain me 'til goodness knows when.

i start being j's exercise biatch/tutor/employee/friend on tuesday.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

You're not "the idiot now" - in fact, it took alot of guts to do what you did, and it took even more guts to show your face and admit you made a mistake. Not to mention that it really wasn't that big a mistake!!! In the grand scheme of things, your life is pretty good; look at how many people LIKE and love you!

Enjoy Maryland; enjoy J. Someday soon we can get together.